Since we are in the driver’s seat for our own life, we can choose to live with whatever mindset that serves us best. So why not choose to live with a what if everything worked out just right mindset. This is what it would look like… * What if…you felt great every day when you […]
Living in YOUR Top 1% Interview Series with Allan Sahagun — Mindset is Everything
Living in YOUR Top 1% INTERVIEW SERIES The goal of the “Living in Your Top 1%” interview series is to break down the qualities of people who excel and to show that you can be successful and achieve personal greatness from any starting point in your life. The interview series looks at people from all […]
Success: 3 Rituals to Raise Your Game
Note: I originally wrote this post for Everybody wants it but what are you really willing to do for it? I’m talking about success of course. Many of us have a glorified meaning of success that society and the media have formulated for us since our younger years. The dictionary defines success as the […]
Top 1%er Interview Series with Caroline Miller “Go for the Goal”
TOP 1%er INTERVIEW SERIES The goal of the “Top 1%er” interview series is to break down the qualities of people who excel and to show that you can be successful and achieve personal greatness from any starting point in your life. The interview series will look at people from all different careers and industries. Some […]
Top 1%er Interview Series with Jenn Lim: “Inspire and be Inspired”
TOP 1%er INTERVIEW SERIES The goal of the “Top 1%er” interview series is to break down the qualities of people who excel and to show that you can be successful and achieve personal greatness from any starting point in your life. The interview series will look at people from all different careers and industries. Some […]
Living in YOUR Top 1% Interview Series with Dr. Jonathan Simons – “Follow Your Bliss”
Living in YOUR Top 1% INTERVIEW SERIES with Jonathan Simons, MD by Alissa Finerman The goal of the “Living in YOUR Top 1%” interview series is to break down the qualities of people who excel and to show that you can be successful and achieve personal greatness from any starting point in your life. The […]
Five Questions Top 1%ers Ask
If you want to live in your top 1%, you will need to get in the game — sitting on the sidelines will not take you very far. It’s a dynamic process and one that involves continuously assessing where you are and what your priorities are at different phases in your life. Here are five […]