I’ve been thinking about writing a book since 2005 when I took a writing class and wrote down a few goals. I didn’t know what shape it would take but that dream has finally become my reality with my first book, Living in Your Top 1%. Many people have been asking me about the process […]
inspirational thoughts
Five Questions Top 1%ers Ask
If you want to live in your top 1%, you will need to get in the game — sitting on the sidelines will not take you very far. It’s a dynamic process and one that involves continuously assessing where you are and what your priorities are at different phases in your life. Here are five […]
10 Great Quotes
I love being inspired and one of the best ways to get a quick boost is to read a quote that you love. Here’s my top 10 list of inspiring quotes: 1. If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. ~ THOMAS EDISON 2. We make a […]