* This post was featured on Intent.com. Happy New Year! Here’s to a wonderful year filled with love, abundance and many more top 1% moments for all! You’re motivated… You’re excited… You’re ready to have a great 2013! Now what? How do you get there? What would a “great” year mean to you? For those […]
living in your top 1%
Change Your Attitude About Goals
This post was featured on Positively Positive. Is it time to retire the daunting word of goal and substitute a more appealing word that resonates with you such as intention, aim, purpose, or desire? I believe words are meant to inspire rather than drag us down. Ultimately, the responsibility falls on each one of us […]
Enjoy Better Results
* Editor’s note: This post appeared on Positively Positive Are your thoughts fueling the results you want to bring into your life? Your individual thoughts and beliefs are similar to chapters in a book. When you put them all together, you have the belief system that becomes your story. You have beliefs about yourself at […]
Ask For What You Need
Here’s a novel idea…. ASK FOR WHAT YOU NEED! Sounds like a simple enough idea to ask. When kids are hungry they ask for food. When kids are thirsty they ask for something to drink. Somewhere between being a kid and becoming an adult, we forget that we have the ability to ask for what […]
Rituals for Success
Rituals –> Success –> Living in YOUR Top 1% Living in your top 1% (aka personal success) is a continuous journey rather than a race with a start and finish. You celebrate wins along the way and always seek out ways to improve, expand your thinking, and take on new challenges. True top 1%ers always […]
The Should Game
Sound familiar? If your answer is yes, you’re not alone. There are lots of things we should do. Should moments do not come from the heart, but rather from external pressures and opinions of others. Having a should moment is nothing special. The shift happens when you become aware of a should in your life and then change how you respond.
Seeing Uncomfortable As The New Comfortable
Being in uncharted territory is a simple and often unsettling signal that you are on the right track. This is when opportunities emerge in your life and you move to another level. The playing field shifts and it’s powerful, scary and expansive. Welcome these moments!
Day 31
It’s matter what you do consistently rather than what you do once in a while. Day 31 defines where we go.