Alissa’s blog was featured on the Wharton Magazine Blog. Letting go is a difficult concept in business and in life. Part of you feels like you’re losing or failing at something. The other side, though, is you’re opening yourself up to new possibilities. The concept of letting go matters because you can’t hold on to […]
living in your top 1%
In Defense Of The Impossible
Alissa’s blog was featured on the Wharton Magazine Blog. Possible and impossible are two different ways to think. Some people see everything as possible. Others train themselves to see only the impossible. It’s a simple choice. Entrepreneurs have crazy ideas that help them open the world of what is possible. There will be various bumps, […]
Should vs Value Goals
There are lots of ways we can discover our potential and see what’s possible in our life. One very powerful way is through the process of goal-setting. You may ask —Why set goals? There are lots of reasons. One convincing one is that goals add meaning to our lives. We do this not just by accomplishing […]
Honoring Your Priorities
Every entrepreneur fills multiple roles in running his or her company — one day you’re raising money, the next day you’re head of sales or creative director, and the next day you’re speaking at a conference or doing much needed admin work. The challenge is prioritizing the most important parts of the business rather than […]
Crossroads Are A Good Thing
* This article was featured on Positively Positive It feels like the biggest ordeal when we come to a CROSSROADS almost as if you’re the only one this is happening to. Which direction shall you take with your life? Is it time to change jobs, move to a new city, start a family, make a […]
Success Is A Way Of Life
There has been much discussion about success. What it means? Do you have it? What does it take to get it? I’ve changed my view of success from one about titles, money and what you do (I used to work on Wall Street) to one filled with servicing others, making a difference, feeling fulfilled in […]
Uncomfortable is the New Comfortable
“No matter what happens, it is within my power to turn it to my advantage.” Epictetus What if your mindset believed uncomfortable was the new comfortable? Would you make different choices and take different actions in your career, finances, and relationships? Being in uncharted territory is a simple and often unsettling signal that you are on the […]
7 Strategies For Success When Setting Goals
I firmly believe that everyone wants to live his or her best life. The question is what does “best” mean and how do you do it. Oprah made the phrase living your best life popular but what’s the first step in the process? It’s important to realize there is a process and setting goals is […]